
τ (EN)
harf, ramz

harf “τ”

τ, tau
  1. yunon alifbosining 19-harfi
    In the Greek word for "life," the letter τ is used to represent the "t" sound.

ramz “τ”

  1. (fizikada) moment, jismlarni aylanishiga sabab boʻladigan kuch oʻlchovi
    The engineer calculated the torque τ needed to turn the gear mechanism.
  2. (fizikada) kesish kuchlanishi, qatlamlarning bir-biriga nisbatan siljishiga sabab bo'ladigan kuchning maydonga nisbati
    The material's deformation was analyzed by applying the shear stress τ.
  3. (mathematikada) doimiy 6.283 ga teng bo'lib, aylananing uzunligining uning radiusiga nisbatini ifodalaydi.
    By using τ instead of 2π, the formula for a circle's circumference becomes simpler.
  4. (fizikada) optik chuqurlik, muhitning nurlanishga nisbatan qanchalik shaffof emasligini oʻlchovchi miqdor
    Scientists measured the optical depth τ to understand the atmosphere's effect on starlight.
  5. (fizikada) tau zarrasi, elektronga oʻxshash, lekin ogʻirroq boʻlgan elementar zarra.
    The researchers observed the decay of the tau lepton τ in their experiments.
  6. (fonetika boʻyicha) ovozsiz dental portlovchi tovushni ifodalovchi belgi
    In some phonetic scripts, τ denotes the dental 't' sound found in certain languages.
  7. (fonetika bo'yicha) ovozli koronal klik undosh tovushini ifodalovchi belgi
    Linguists use τ to represent specific click sounds in the study of African languages.