
τ (EN)
črka, simbol

črka “τ”

τ, tau
  1. 19. črka grške abecede
    In the Greek word for "life," the letter τ is used to represent the "t" sound.

simbol “τ”

  1. (natečaj) navor, merilo sile, ki povzroči vrtenje predmeta
    The engineer calculated the torque τ needed to turn the gear mechanism.
  2. (v fiziki) strižna napetost, sila na enoto površine, ki povzroča drsenje plasti druga mimo druge
    The material's deformation was analyzed by applying the shear stress τ.
  3. (v matematiki) konstanta, enaka 6,283, ki predstavlja razmerje med obsegom kroga in njegovim polmerom
    By using τ instead of 2π, the formula for a circle's circumference becomes simpler.
  4. (v fiziki) optična globina, merilo, kako neprosojen je medij za sevanje
    Scientists measured the optical depth τ to understand the atmosphere's effect on starlight.
  5. (v fiziki) tau delec, osnovni delec podoben elektronu, vendar težji
    The researchers observed the decay of the tau lepton τ in their experiments.
  6. (v fonetiki) simbol, ki predstavlja nezveneči dentalni plozivni glas
    In some phonetic scripts, τ denotes the dental 't' sound found in certain languages.
  7. (v fonetiki) simbol, ki predstavlja zveneči koronalni klikajoči soglasnik
    Linguists use τ to represent specific click sounds in the study of African languages.