sifat “social”
bentuk dasar social (more/most)
- seneng karo wong lan gawe kanca
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
Maria loves parties because she's so social and enjoys meeting new friends.
- gegayutan karo kumpulan wong
John loves attending social events where he can meet new friends.
- gegayutan karo organisasi lan fungsi masyarakat manungsa
Homelessness is a significant social issue.
- gegayutan karo situs web lan aplikasi kanggo mbantu wong nuduhake konten lan komunikasi
She spends hours on her social media profiles every day.
- njlentrehake organisme kang urip bebarengan ing klompok utawa kerja bareng minangka sistem
Ants are social insects, working together to build complex colonies.
kata benda “social”
tunggal social, jamak socials utawa ora bisa diitung
- acara kanggo mbantu wong ketemu lan interaksi
The church hosted a social in the community hall to welcome new members.
- profil utawa akun individu ing media sosial
For the latest updates, follow me on my socials.
- nomer jaminan sosial wong
For the job application, they asked for my social, so I had to make sure it was accurate.
- bantuan finansial pemerintah kanggo wong kang butuh (ing UK)
Since losing his job, Mark was on the social to help cover his bills.