with (EN)
kata sandhangan

kata sandhangan “with”

  1. karo
    She sat with her sister on the park bench.
  2. kalebu
    He bought a hot dog with extra mustard.
  3. bareng
    She laughed with tears streaming down her face.
  4. lawan
    I don't want to fight with you.
  5. nuduhake dhukungan
    We are with you on this matter.
  6. babagan
    I have to agree with your assessment of the situation.
  7. nganggo
    She painted the picture with a set of watercolors.
  8. kanthi (nggambarake perasaan utawa keadaan)
    He waited with patience for his turn.
  9. amarga (nggambarake emosi)
    She was trembling with excitement as she opened the gift.
  10. kanggo (ngludhugi arti digawé déning)
    He has been with the company since its inception.
  11. ngémuti
    With your current workload, taking on another project might be too much.
  12. kalawan (tegese digunakake kanggo nunjukake obyek sing diwenehake utawa dilengkapi)
    The school supplied the students with new textbooks.
  13. bisa ngerti (ngludhugi arti bisa ngerteni informasi utawa pangembangan)
    I've covered a lot of material; are you with me so far?