kata benda “kite”
tunggal kite, jamak kites
- layangan
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
On windy days, children love to fly kites in the park.
- alap-alap
We watched a kite soaring high above the fields.
- (geometri) segi papat sing nduweni loro pasang sisi jejere sing padha dawa.
In math class, we learned about the properties of a kite.
- (slang penjara) surat utawa cathetan rahasia sing dipasrahake antarane tahanan
The guard found the kite hidden under the mattress.
cêkapan “kite”
infinitif kite; dhèwèké kites; lampau kited; part. lampau kited; ger. kiting
- nulis cek tanpa dana cukup (nulis cek kosong)
He was arrested for kiting checks to pay his debts.
- nyerang mungsuh nalika obah adoh kanggo ngindhari kena pukulan
In the game, she kited the monster to avoid damage.
- obah nganggo layangan, kaya ing kitesurfing
They spent the afternoon kiting along the coastline.