against (EN)

forsetning “against”

  1. á móti
    He voted against the new policy because he thought it was unfair.
  2. miðað við
    The new movie's success was measured against last year's blockbuster.
  3. í óhag
    The judge ruled against her in the court case.
  4. gegn
    Cheating on the test is against the school rules.
  5. gegn (til varnar)
    She wore a hat to protect her face against the sun.
  6. á móti (í keppni)
    She competed against her friend in the chess tournament.
  7. við
    She leaned her bike against the wall.
  8. á móti (í gagnstæða átt)
    The wind was so strong that walking against it felt like pushing a wall.
  9. á bak við
    The dark trees looked beautiful against the orange sunset.
  10. á
    The waves crashed against the rocks.
  11. á móti (með neikvæðar tilfinningar)
    He had no arguments against her proposal.
  12. fyrir
    She stocked up on canned goods against the possibility of a long winter.
  13. fyrir
    You can trade your old books against new ones at the store.
  14. á
    A fee is charged against the total amount of the loan.
  15. á móti (í veðmálum)
    The odds are ten-to-one against him winning the race, so it's very unlikely he'll come first.