
accept (EN)

sögn “accept”

nafnháttur accept; hann accepts; þátíð accepted; lh. þt. accepted; nhm. accepting
  1. samþykkja
    He accepted the invitation to join the committee.
  2. taka við (eða leyfa inngöngu)
    The university accepted her into their graduate program.
  3. taka við (greiðslum í ákveðnu formi)
    The store accepts credit cards and mobile payments.
  4. viðurkenna
    She accepts that her childhood memories may not be entirely accurate.
  5. sætta sig við
    After the accident, he learned to accept his new limitations with grace.
  6. fagna (eða taka vel á móti einstaklingi í félagslegum hópi)
    The team quickly accepted the new player, inviting him to all their social events.