
moon (EN)
kata benda, kata kerja

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Moon (kata benda khusus)

kata benda “moon”

tunggal moon, jamak moons
  1. bulan (satelit alami dari sebuah planet)
    The astronomer spent countless nights studying the moons orbiting Jupiter.
  2. Bulan (sastra, durasi sekitar satu bulan lunar)
    They stayed in the desert for many moons until the weather grew cooler.
  3. sebuah representasi bulan, sering berbentuk sabit
    The carnival float was decorated with glowing stars and moons.
  4. (sejarah) benteng luar berbentuk bulan sabit dalam sebuah benteng
    The castle's defenders built moons to better guard its gates.

kata kerja “moon”

infinitif moon; dia moons; lampau mooned; part. lampau mooned; ger. mooning
  1. mengedipkan bokong
    The teenagers in the back of the bus mooned passing cars just to get a reaction.
  2. tergila-gila (dengan seseorang)
    She spent hours mooning over her favorite singer’s new photos.