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know (EN)
פועל, שם עצם

פועל “know”

מקור know; הוא knows; עבר knew; עבר סביל known; בינוני knowing
  1. לדעת
    I know for certain that the keys are in the drawer because I placed them there myself.
  2. להיות מודע
    Did you know that they are divorced?
  3. להכיר
    I know the owner of that shop; we went to school together.
  4. להבין
    After years of research, she knows the subject inside out.
  5. לחוות
    He has known hardship and isn't afraid of hard work.
  6. לדעת לנגן (בהקשר של יכולת לבצע יצירה מוזיקלית)
    Do you know Moonlight Sonata?

שם עצם “know”

know, יחיד בלבד
  1. ידיעה (במעגל הידיעה)
    Only a few people are in the know about the surprise party we're planning.