
tender (EN)
adjektiivi, substantiivi, verbi

adjektiivi “tender”

perusmuoto tender, tenderer, tenderest (tai more/most)
  1. murea
    The steak was so tender it almost melted in my mouth.
  2. lempeä
    She gave her son a tender hug before he left.
  3. arka
    My shoulder is still tender from the injury.
  4. hauras
    Be careful with these tender plants—they can't survive the cold.
  5. nuori (kokematon)
    He started his first business at the tender age of sixteen.

substantiivi “tender”

yksikkö tender, monikko tenders
  1. Tarjous (tarjous toimittaa tavaroita tai palveluja tiettyyn hintaan)
    The company won the tender to build the new bridge.
  2. jolla
    We took the tender to reach the yacht anchored offshore.
  3. kanasuikale
    The kids love chicken tenders with their fries.
  4. hiilivaunu, joka on kiinnitetty höyryveturiin polttoaineen ja veden kuljettamista varten
    The vintage steam train was pulling a large coal-filled tender.

verbi “tender”

infinitiivi tender; hän tenders; imperfekti tendered; part. perf. tendered; ger. tendering
  1. tehdä virallinen tarjous tai ehdotus, erityisesti liiketoiminnassa
    Several companies are tendering bids for the new highway project.
  2. tarjota tai antaa jotain muodollisesti
    She tendered her resignation to the CEO.