ten (EN)
numeral, noun

numeral “ten”

ten, 10
  1. the number after nine and before eleven
    She bought ten apples from the market.

noun “ten”

sg. ten, 10, pl. tens, 10s
  1. a group consisting of ten items
    The teacher asked us to count the pencils and organize them in tens for the art project.
  2. a number of items or distance that is more than twenty but less than one hundred
    I found tens of books in the attic, more than I expected but fewer than a hundred.
  3. a playing card that has a value of ten
    In our game of poker last night, I was thrilled to draw a ten of hearts, completing my flush.
  4. money that is worth ten units of currency
    I only have a fifty, so could you change it into five tens?
  5. a very attractive person (slang)
    At the party, everyone agreed that Mark was a ten.