personal (EN)

adjective “personal”

  1. related to or affecting a specific person
    She shared her personal story with the group.
  2. about topics that someone prefers to keep private or secret
    She felt uncomfortable when he asked her a personal question about her finances.
  3. related to someone's private life, as opposed to their job
    What are your hobbies in your personal life?
  4. shows that something belongs to a specific person, not shared with others or owned by an organization
    She prefers to use her personal laptop for work instead of the office computer.
  5. (of a visit, appearance etc.) performed by a specific person themselves, not by someone representing them
    The mayor made a personal visit to the 100-year-old lady.
  6. targeting someone's character, looks, or beliefs in a hurtful or insulting way
    She felt hurt when he made a personal comment about her weight.
  7. related to someone's physical body, such as their health or cleanliness
    It's important to maintain personal hygiene to stay healthy.