형용사 “personal”
기본형 personal (more/most)
- 개인의
가입하세요 예문 번역과 단어의 일언어 정의를 보려면.
She shared her personal story with the group.
- 사적인
She felt uncomfortable when he asked her a personal question about her finances.
- 개인적인 (직업과 반대되는)
What are your hobbies in your personal life?
- 개인 소유의
She prefers to use her personal laptop for work instead of the office computer.
- 직접적인 (본인이 수행하는)
The mayor made a personal visit to the 100-year-old lady.
- 인신공격적인
She felt hurt when he made a personal comment about her weight.
- 신체의 (건강이나 청결과 관련된)
It's important to maintain personal hygiene to stay healthy.