e (EN)
letter, symbol

This word can also be a form of:
E (letter, noun, symbol)

letter “e”

  1. the lowercase form of the letter "E"
    In the word "elephant," the letter "e" appears twice.

symbol “e”

  1. Euler's number
    The value of e, approximately 2.718, is crucial in calculating continuous growth rates.
  2. a symbol used in scientific notation to separate mantissa from the exponent
    The number 5 billion can be written in scientific notation as 5e9.
  3. a symbol for an electron in physics
    In a hydrogen atom, the e orbits the nucleus at incredible speeds.
  4. a symbol for the charge of a single electron in physics
    The value of e is approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs.
  5. a mathematical symbol for eccentricity (how much a shape's path deviates from being circular)
    In a circle, the e = 0 because all points are equidistant from the center.