e (EN)
burts, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
E (burts, lietvārds, simbols)

burts “e”

  1. burta "E" mazais burts
    In the word "elephant," the letter "e" appears twice.

simbols “e”

  1. Oilera skaitlis
    The value of e, approximately 2.718, is crucial in calculating continuous growth rates.
  2. simbols, ko zinātniskajā pierakstā izmanto, lai atdalītu mantisu no eksponenta
    The number 5 billion can be written in scientific notation as 5e9.
  3. simbols elektronam fizikā
    In a hydrogen atom, the e orbits the nucleus at incredible speeds.
  4. simbols vienas elektrona lādiņam fizikā
    The value of e is approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs.
  5. matemātisks simbols ekscentritātei (cik daudz figūras trajektorija atšķiras no tās, kas ir cirkulāra)
    In a circle, the e = 0 because all points are equidistant from the center.