I (EN)
pronoun, letter, numeral, numeral, noun, symbol

This word can also be a form of:
i (letter, symbol, numeral)

pronoun “I”

I, me
  1. the word used by someone to refer to themselves
    I will be there at eight o'clock.

letter “I”

  1. the uppercase form of the letter "i"
    The name "Ivy" starts with the letter "I".

numeral “I”

  1. the symbol representing the number one in Roman numerals
    On the clock face, the number after XII is I, indicating one o'clock.

numeral “I”

  1. used to denote the first in a sequence of names, especially in royalty or nobility
    King Henry I was the son of William the Conqueror.

noun “I”

sg. I, pl. Is or uncountable
  1. interstate (a major highway in the United States that crosses state lines)
    We took I-95 to get to Florida faster.
  2. an abbreviation for the instrumental case in grammar
    In Russian, we have "knigoi" (I), derived from "kniga" (N).

symbol “I”

  1. the symbol for iodine in chemistry
    The chemical formula for potassium iodide is KI.
  2. isotopic spin (a property of particles related to the number of protons and neutrons they have, used in physics)
    In nuclear physics, I is also known as isobaric spin.
  3. license plate code for Italy
    The car in front of us had an "I" sticker, indicating it was from Italy.
  4. the symbol for electrical current
    We can calculate the current from the voltage as I = V/R.
  5. moment of inertia (a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation)
    To calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a spinning disk, use the formula KE = ½Iω².
  6. in biochemistry, it represents the amino acid isoleucine
    In the protein sequence MVKIQRF, the "I" stands for isoleucine.
  7. a square matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
    In matrix calculus, A*I = A.
  8. referring to the set of all numbers between 0 and 1 in mathematics
    Every point on the line segment I has a value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
  9. the major tonic triad in music
    In the key of C major, the I chord is C-E-G.
  10. a size for measuring the volume of a bra's cup
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size all along and needed an I cup instead.