I (EN)

i (字母,符号,数词)

代词 “I”

I, me
  1. I will be there at eight o'clock.

字母 “I”

  1. 字母“i”的大写形式
    The name "Ivy" starts with the letter "I".

数词 “I”

  1. 代表数字一的罗马数字的符号
    On the clock face, the number after XII is I, indicating one o'clock.

数词 “I”

  1. 用来表示在一系列名称中的第一个,特别是在皇室或贵族中。
    King Henry I was the son of William the Conqueror.

名词 “I”

sg. I, pl. Is or uncountable
  1. 州际公路(在美国横跨州界的主要高速公路)
    We took I-95 to get to Florida faster.
  2. 语法中工具格的缩写
    In Russian, we have "knigoi" (I), derived from "kniga" (N).

符号 “I”

  1. 化学中碘的符号是"I"。
    The chemical formula for potassium iodide is KI.
  2. 同位旋(一种与粒子所含质子和中子数量相关的性质,在物理学中使用)
    In nuclear physics, I is also known as isobaric spin.
  3. 意大利车牌代码
    The car in front of us had an "I" sticker, indicating it was from Italy.
  4. 电流的符号
    We can calculate the current from the voltage as I = V/R.
  5. 转动惯量(衡量物体抵抗其旋转状态改变的量度)
    To calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a spinning disk, use the formula KE = ½Iω².
  6. 在生物化学中,它代表了氨基酸异亮氨酸。
    In the protein sequence MVKIQRF, the "I" stands for isoleucine.
  7. 对角线上是1,其他位置是0的方阵
    In matrix calculus, A*I = A.
  8. 指的是数学中0到1之间的所有数字的集合。
    Every point on the line segment I has a value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
  9. 音乐中的大调主三和弦
    In the key of C major, the I chord is C-E-G.
  10. 用于测量胸罩罩杯体积的尺码
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size all along and needed an I cup instead.