but (EN)
konjunktion, præposition, biord, Navneord

konjunktion “but”

  1. men
    The cake was delicious but too sweet for my taste.
  2. men
    I didn't see a cat but a dog in the alley.
  3. men
    But that's exactly what you implied yesterday!
  4. undtagen, når man indleder en bisætning
    He did nothing but complain about the weather.

præposition “but”

  1. undtagen
    Nobody but the chef knows the secret recipe.

biord “but”

  1. kun
    He was but a child when he mastered the piano.

Navneord “but”

sg. but, pl. buts
  1. indvending (forklaring: en grund til ikke at være enig eller tilfreds)
    She accepted the proposal with no buts about it.