ˈriːl US ˈriːl UK ˈrɪəl UK

real (EN)
adjectiu, adverbi, nom, nom

adjectiu “real”

forma base real, realer, realest (o more/most)
  1. autèntic
    This diamond is real.
  2. real
    Dragons are not real animals.
  3. sincer
    She showed real concern for her friend.
  4. important
    Climate change is a real threat.
  5. real (ajustat per inflació)
    His real income increased last year.
  6. real (relatiu als nombres reals)
    The equation has real solutions.
  7. immobiliari
    She invested in real estate.

adverbi “real”

  1. molt
    He ran real fast to catch the bus.

nom “real”

singular real, plural reals
  1. nombre real
    The inequality is satisfied by any two reals greater than 2.

nom “real”

singular real, plural reais
  1. real (la moneda del Brasil des de 1994)
    They exchanged dollars for reais at the bank.