Adjektiv “real”
Grundform real, realer, realest (oder more/most)
- echt
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This diamond is real.
- real
Dragons are not real animals.
- aufrichtig
She showed real concern for her friend.
- ernsthaft
Climate change is a real threat.
- real (inflationsbereinigt)
His real income increased last year.
- reell
The equation has real solutions.
- Immobilien-
She invested in real estate.
Adverb “real”
- sehr
He ran real fast to catch the bus.
Substantiv “real”
- Reelle zahl
The inequality is satisfied by any two reals greater than 2.
Substantiv “real”
- Real (die Währung Brasiliens seit 1994)
They exchanged dollars for reais at the bank.