nom “floor”
singular floor, plural floors
- terra
Registreu-vos per veure les traduccions de les frases d'exemple i les definicions monolingües de cada paraula.
The living room has a wooden floor.
- pis
Our office is on the fourth floor.
- fons (d'un oceà o bosc)
They discovered strange creatures on the ocean floor.
- paraula (dret a parlar)
She took the floor to present her argument.
- pista de ball
Couples filled the floor as the band started playing.
- sòl (mínim)
The central bank introduced a floor on interest rates.
- parquet (de la borsa)
Activity on the floor was intense today.
- sala de jocs
He walked across the casino floor, looking for a card game.
verb “floor”
infinitiu floor; ell floors; passat floored; part. pass. floored; ger. flooring
- tombar
The boxer floored his opponent in the first round.
- deixar bocabadat
The unexpected turn of events floored everyone at the meeting.
- accelerar a fons
While driving, he floored to catch the last ferry.
- enrajolar
They plan to floor the kitchen with tiles.