flɔːr US flɔː UK

floor (EN)
اسم، فعل

اسم “floor”

مفرد floor، جمع floors
  1. کف
    The living room has a wooden floor.
  2. طبقه
    Our office is on the fourth floor.
  3. کف (طبیعی)
    They discovered strange creatures on the ocean floor.
  4. تریبون
    She took the floor to present her argument.
  5. پیست رقص
    Couples filled the floor as the band started playing.
  6. کف (حداقل قیمت)
    The central bank introduced a floor on interest rates.
  7. تالار معاملات
    Activity on the floor was intense today.
  8. سالن اصلی
    He walked across the casino floor, looking for a card game.

فعل “floor”

مصدر floor؛ او floors؛ گذشته floored؛ اسم مفعول floored؛ اسم مصدر flooring
  1. به زمین انداختن
    The boxer floored his opponent in the first round.
  2. گیج کردن
    The unexpected turn of events floored everyone at the meeting.
  3. گاز دادن
    While driving, he floored to catch the last ferry.
  4. کف‌پوش کردن
    They plan to floor the kitchen with tiles.