
battery (EN)

imenica “battery”

jednina battery, množina batteries ili nebrojivo
  1. baterija
    My phone's battery is dead; I need to recharge it.
  2. napad
    He was arrested and charged with battery after the fight.
  3. baterija (u vojsci)
    The battery opened fire on the enemy positions.
  4. kavez (za koke nosilje)
    Animal rights activists protest against the use of batteries in chicken farming.
  5. niz
    She underwent a battery of tests at the hospital.
  6. (u bejzbolu) bacač i hvatač smatrani kao jedna cjelina
    The team's battery has been working well together all season.
  7. (u šahu) dvije ili više figura koje rade zajedno duž linije napada
    He set up a battery with his queen and bishop against his opponent's king.
  8. (grupa udaraljki koja se koristi u marševskim orkestrima)
    The battery provided a strong rhythm during the parade.
  9. stanje vatrenog oružja kada je spremno za pucanje
    Ensure the weapon is in battery before proceeding.