
battery (EN)

Navneord “battery”

ental battery, flertal batteries eller utællelig
  1. batteri
    My phone's battery is dead; I need to recharge it.
  2. vold
    He was arrested and charged with battery after the fight.
  3. batteri (militær)
    The battery opened fire on the enemy positions.
  4. burhønseanlæg
    Animal rights activists protest against the use of batteries in chicken farming.
  5. række
    She underwent a battery of tests at the hospital.
  6. (kun i baseball) pitcheren og catcheren betragtet som en enhed
    The team's battery has been working well together all season.
  7. (to eller flere brikker, der arbejder sammen langs en angrebslinje)
    He set up a battery with his queen and bishop against his opponent's king.
  8. (USA, i musik) gruppe af slagtøjsinstrumenter brugt i marchorkestre
    The battery provided a strong rhythm during the parade.
  9. tilstand af et skydevåben, når det er klar til at affyre
    Ensure the weapon is in battery before proceeding.