samostalnik “battery”
ednina battery, množina batteries ali neštevno
- baterija
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
My phone's battery is dead; I need to recharge it.
- napad (fizični)
He was arrested and charged with battery after the fight.
- baterija (vojaška)
The battery opened fire on the enemy positions.
- baterijska reja
Animal rights activists protest against the use of batteries in chicken farming.
- množica
She underwent a battery of tests at the hospital.
- (v baseballu) metalec in lovilec, obravnavana kot ena enota
The team's battery has been working well together all season.
- (v šahu) dve ali več figur, ki delujejo skupaj vzdolž napadalne linije
He set up a battery with his queen and bishop against his opponent's king.
- (skupina tolkalnih instrumentov, ki se uporabljajo v pihalnih orkestrih)
The battery provided a strong rhythm during the parade.
- stanje strelnega orožja, ko je pripravljeno za streljanje
Ensure the weapon is in battery before proceeding.