
syndicate (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord, werkwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “syndicate”

enkelvoud syndicate, meervoud syndicates
  1. sindikaat (’n vereniging van individue of organisasies wat gevorm is om ’n spesifieke sakeprojek uit te voer of ’n gedeelde belang te bevorder)
    A syndicate of investors purchased the property to develop a new shopping center.
  2. sindikaat
    The police arrested members of a syndicate responsible for cyber fraud.
  3. sindikaat (media-agentskap)
    Her comic strip is distributed by a syndicate to newspapers nationwide.

werkwoord “syndicate”

infinitief syndicate; hy syndicates; verlede tyd syndicated; verlede deelw. syndicated; ger. syndicating
  1. om iets (soos 'n stuk skryfwerk of ander inhoud) te verkoop vir publikasie in baie koerante, tydskrifte of ander media-uitsette terselfdertyd
    The columnist syndicated her articles to over fifty newspapers.
  2. om maatskappye of individue in 'n sindikaat te organiseer
    Several banks syndicated to fund the large infrastructure project.