start (EN)
ot, feʼl, ot

ot “start”

sg. start, pl. starts
  1. boshlanish
    We planned our project carefully, ensuring a smooth start.
  2. start joyi
    Runners lined up at the start, ready to sprint as soon as the gun fired.
  3. sakrash (kutilmagan, tezkor harakat sifatida)
    She gave a start when the thunder crashed loudly.
  4. ko'chat (konteynerda o'stiriladigan yosh o'simlik)
    I bought tomato starts to plant in my vegetable garden this spring.
  5. oldinga o'tish (musobaqa yoki vaziyatda)
    She had a start on the competition thanks to her early training.

feʼl “start”

start; he starts; past started, part. started; ger. starting
  1. boshlash
    We plan to start our road trip at dawn.
  2. ishga tushirish (transport vositasini yoki mashinani)
    He started the car and let it warm up for a few minutes.
  3. sakratish (kutilmagan harakatga)
    The mouse darted out and started the cat, causing it to leap into the air.

ot “start”

sg. start, pl. starts or uncountable
  1. chiqinti (biror narsadan chiqib turgan qism)
    The shelf has a start at one end that keeps books from sliding off.
  2. tutqich (asbob yoki jihozning)
    He gripped the start of the plough firmly as he prepared the field for planting.
  3. suv olish qismi (suv g'ildiragining suvni ushlab, yo'naltiradigan qismi)
    The engineer examined the start of the water wheel to ensure it was functioning properly.
  4. hayvon tomonidan ishlatiladigan ishlatma (mashinadagi)
    The farmer attached the horse to the start to begin working the cotton gin.