might (EN)
yordamchi fe’l, ot

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
may (yordamchi fe’l)

yordamchi fe’l “might”

  1. boʻlishi mumkin edi
    He might have called earlier, but he forgot his phone at home.
  2. boʻlishi mumkin
    If it stops raining, we might have the picnic after all.
  3. boʻlsa ham (biror narsaga qaramay ma'no beruvchi)
    I might have failed the test, but I learned a lot studying for it.
  4. ruxsat soʻrashda ishlatiladi (juda muloyim yoki rasmiy)
    Might I borrow your pen for a moment?

ot “might”

sg. might, pl. mights or uncountable
  1. kuch-qudrat
    The ancient Romans gained control over vast territories through the sheer might of their legions.
  2. jismoniy kuch
    The wrestler won the match by pinning his opponent with sheer might.