might (EN)

may (助动词)

助动词 “might”

  1. 可能(表示过去没有发生的假设性动作)
    He might have called earlier, but he forgot his phone at home.
  2. 或许(表示可能或不确定的动作或事件)
    If it stops raining, we might have the picnic after all.
  3. 虽然(引出让步后表达对比观点)
    I might have failed the test, but I learned a lot studying for it.
  4. 可以(礼貌或正式请求许可)
    Might I borrow your pen for a moment?

名词 “might”

sg. might, pl. mights or uncountable
  1. 力量(指团体或组织的力量或能力)
    The ancient Romans gained control over vast territories through the sheer might of their legions.
  2. 力气(描述身体力量或努力)
    The wrestler won the match by pinning his opponent with sheer might.