
derivative (EN)
sifat, ot

sifat “derivative”

asosiy shakl derivative (more/most)
  1. o‘zgalar ishini taqlid qiluvchi
    The critic said the painting was derivative and lacked originality.
  2. Hosila (moliyaviy, qiymati boshqa aktivga bog'liq bo'lgan)
    The derivative products posed significant risk to the investors.

ot “derivative”

birlik derivative, koʻplik derivatives
  1. hosila
    Students learn about derivatives in calculus class.
  2. Derivativ (qiymati boshqa aktivlarga bogʻliq boʻlgan moliyaviy mahsulot)
    The company's investment portfolio includes various derivatives.
  3. hosila (boshqa narsadan kelib chiqqan narsa)
    The new design is just a derivative and lacks innovation.
  4. Hosila (kimyo, o'xshash birikmadan hosil bo'lgan birikma)
    Scientists synthesized a derivative of the original molecule.
  5. Derivativ (tilshunoslik, boshqa soʻzdan hosil qilingan soʻz)
    “Readiness” is a derivative of “ready”.