
derivative (EN)
lýsingarorð, Nafnorð

lýsingarorð “derivative”

grunnform derivative (more/most)
  1. afleiddur
    The critic said the painting was derivative and lacked originality.
  2. afleiða (fjármál, sem hefur verðgildi sem ræðst af annarri eign)
    The derivative products posed significant risk to the investors.

Nafnorð “derivative”

eintala derivative, fleirtala derivatives
  1. afleiða
    Students learn about derivatives in calculus class.
  2. afleiða (fjármálavara sem hefur verðgildi sem ræðst af öðrum eignum)
    The company's investment portfolio includes various derivatives.
  3. afleiða (hlutur sem er fenginn úr einhverju öðru)
    The new design is just a derivative and lacks innovation.
  4. afleiða (efnafræði, efnasamband sem myndast úr svipuðu efnasambandi)
    Scientists synthesized a derivative of the original molecule.
  5. afleidd orð (málfræði, orð myndað af öðru orði)
    “Readiness” is a derivative of “ready”.