
clock (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “clock”

yakka clock, koʻplik clocks yoki sanalmaydigan
  1. soat
    Every morning, I check the time on my bedside clock before getting out of bed.
  2. odometr (avtomobilning umumiy bosib o'tgan masofasini ko'rsatuvchi qurilma)
    I'm looking to buy a used car, but I'm wary of those with high mileage on the clock.
  3. takt pulsi (raqamli sxemalarda vaqtni muvofiqlashtiruvchi elektr signali)
    The engineer explained that the clock signal ensures all the processors work in unison.
  4. kovak gulining pukasi (o'simlik urug'larini o'z ichiga olgan paxmoq, sferik qismi)
    After making a wish, she blew on the dandelion clock, scattering its seeds into the air.
  5. ish vaqti qayd qilgich (xodimning ish boshlash va tugatish vaqtini yozib oluvchi qurilma)
    Employees must punch in on the clock when they arrive at work.
  6. paypoqning tovon yaqinidagi bezak (paypoq yoki chulpaning tovon yaqinidagi bezakli dizayni)
    She admired the intricate clock on her new stockings, noting how it added a touch of elegance.
  7. go'ng qurti (go'ngda qaziydigan katta turdagi qo'ng'iz)
    The children were both fascinated and repulsed by the large clock they found in the garden.

feʼl “clock”

infinitive clock; u clocks; oʻtgan zamon clocked; oʻtgan zamon part. clocked; ger. clocking
  1. vaqtni o'lchamoq (biror narsa sodir bo'lishi uchun ketgan vaqtni yozib olish)
    The coach clocked the runner's time at just under four minutes for the mile.
  2. tezlikni aniqlamoq (biror narsa qancha tezlikda harakatlanishini aniqlash)
    The police officer clocked the speeding car with his radar gun before pulling it over.