
clock (EN)
kata benda, cêkapan

kata benda “clock”

tunggal clock, jamak clocks utawa ora bisa diitung
  1. jam
    Every morning, I check the time on my bedside clock before getting out of bed.
  2. odometer (piranti ing kendaraan kanggo ngukur jarak sing wis ditempuh)
    I'm looking to buy a used car, but I'm wary of those with high mileage on the clock.
  3. sinyal jam digital (sinyal listrik kanggo nyelarasake wektu ing sirkuit digital)
    The engineer explained that the clock signal ensures all the processors work in unison.
  4. bonggol dandelion (bagean sing alus lan bunder ing tanduran dandelion kang ngemot wiji)
    After making a wish, she blew on the dandelion clock, scattering its seeds into the air.
  5. mesin absen (piranti kanggo ngrekam wektu mlebu lan metu kerja karyawan)
    Employees must punch in on the clock when they arrive at work.
  6. hiasan kaos kaki (ragam hias cedhak mata sikil ing kaos kaki utawa stocking)
    She admired the intricate clock on her new stockings, noting how it added a touch of elegance.
  7. kumbang tahi (jenis kumbang gedhe sing dikenal amarga urip ing tahi)
    The children were both fascinated and repulsed by the large clock they found in the garden.

cêkapan “clock”

infinitif clock; dhèwèké clocks; lampau clocked; part. lampau clocked; ger. clocking
  1. ngukur wektu (ngrekam wektu sing dibutuhake kanggo sawijining kajadian)
    The coach clocked the runner's time at just under four minutes for the mile.
  2. ngukur kecepatan (nentokake laju gerakan sawijining barang)
    The police officer clocked the speeding car with his radar gun before pulling it over.