breast (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “breast”

sg. breast, pl. breasts or uncountable
  1. koʻkrak (ayolning suti keladigan aʼzosi)
    After his workout, John noticed his chest muscles, or breasts, were becoming more defined.
  2. koʻkrak (erkakda, sut bezlari boʻlmagan qism)
    He felt a sharp pain in his left breast after running.
  3. koʻkrak
    She clutched the necklace at her breast, feeling the heartbeat beneath.
  4. koʻkrak qismi (kiyimning)
    She noticed a stain on the breast of her blouse just as she was about to enter the meeting.
  5. koʻkrak (qushning old qismi)
    The chef carefully seasoned the chicken breasts before roasting them.
  6. koʻkrak goʻshti
    For dinner, we're having roasted chicken breasts with a side of vegetables.
  7. brass uslubi
    She won the gold medal by swimming the fastest breast in the competition.
  8. koʻngil (his-tuygʻular joylashgan deb hisoblanadigan joy)
    Fear took root in the breasts of the villagers as the storm approached.

feʼl “breast”

breast; he breasts; past breasted, part. breasted; ger. breasting
  1. yelkama-yelka kurashmoq (biror narsaga koʻkrak bilan itarish yoki toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri qiyinchilikka duch kelmoq)
    The team breasted the fierce winds as they pushed forward to reach the summit.
  2. tepaga chiqmoq
    After a long climb, she finally breasted the peak and gazed at the valley below.
  3. koʻkrak goʻshtini ajratmoq (qushni pishirishga tayyorlash jarayoni)
    After breasting the chicken, she seasoned it generously before cooking.