kata benda “breast”
tunggal breast, jamak breasts utawa ora bisa diitung
- dhadha (wanita)
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
After his workout, John noticed his chest muscles, or breasts, were becoming more defined.
- dhadha (lanang, kang ora ngasilake susu)
He felt a sharp pain in his left breast after running.
- dhadha
She clutched the necklace at her breast, feeling the heartbeat beneath.
- bagian sandhangan sing nutupi dhadha
She noticed a stain on the breast of her blouse just as she was about to enter the meeting.
- dhadha (manuk)
The chef carefully seasoned the chicken breasts before roasting them.
- daging dhadha
For dinner, we're having roasted chicken breasts with a side of vegetables.
- gaya nglangi dhadha
She won the gold medal by swimming the fastest breast in the competition.
- jero dhadha (panggonan kanggo rasa lan emosi)
Fear took root in the breasts of the villagers as the storm approached.
cêkapan “breast”
infinitif breast; dhèwèké breasts; lampau breasted; part. lampau breasted; ger. breasting
- ngadhepi (nganggo dhadha utawa ngadhepi tantangan langsung)
The team breasted the fierce winds as they pushed forward to reach the summit.
- munggah gunung
After a long climb, she finally breasted the peak and gazed at the valley below.
- mbuwang daging dhadha (saka manuk sadurunge dimasak)
After breasting the chicken, she seasoned it generously before cooking.