absolute (EN)
sifat, ot

sifat “absolute”

absolute, non-gradable
  1. toʻliq
    Her trust in him was absolute.
  2. mutlaq
    The party was an absolute blast!
  3. aniq
    The scientist needed absolute proof before making any conclusions.
  4. yakuniy
    The court's ruling on the case is now absolute, so no further appeals can be made.
  5. cheklanmagan (hokimiyat haqida)
    The king had absolute control over the entire kingdom.
  6. nisbiy emas
    The mountain's height in absolute terms is 3,000 meters.
  7. mutlaq qiymatli
    The absolute difference between -3 and 3 is 6.

ot “absolute”

sg. absolute, pl. absolutes
  1. har qanday vaziyatda hamma uchun toʻgʻri yoki muhim deb hisoblangan eʼtiqod yoki gʻoya
    For him, honesty is an absolute that should never be compromised.
  2. falsafada, koinotdagi hamma narsa bog'langan yoki bir qismi bo'lgan yakuniy haqiqat yoki mavjudot
    Philosophers often debate whether the Absolute is the ultimate source of all existence.