there (EN)
ravesh söz, ara söz, zamir

ravesh söz “there”

  1. şol ýerde
    The treasure is buried there, just beyond the old oak tree.

ara söz “there”

  1. Birine ýüregi awuşmak üçin ulanylýar
    There, there, don't cry. It was just a bad dream.
  2. inedö (interjeksiýa hökmünde, üstünlik ýa-da tamamlanan iş üçin ulanylýan)
    There! I've finally finished painting the fence.

zamir “there”

  1. barlygyny ýa-da boluny şaýatlyk edýär
    There is a strange noise coming from the attic.
  2. salam (salamlaşykda ýa-da beýleki ýüzlenmelerde ulanylýan)
    Hello there, how have you been?