master (EN)
at sözi, sypat söz, fiil

at sözi “master”

sg. master, pl. masters or uncountable
  1. ussat
    Beethoven was a master at composing symphonies.
  2. eýesi
    The dog obeyed as soon as its master called its name.
  3. gul eýesi
    The slave had to endure harsh treatment from his master.
  4. gämi kapitany
    The master of the vessel navigated through the storm with great skill.
  5. iş beriji
    The carpenter's master was known for his fine craftsmanship.
  6. ussat (şägirt öwrediji)
    After years of experience, the electrician became a master and started training apprentices.
  7. magistr derejesi
    After completing her bachelor's, she pursued a master in environmental science.
  8. magistr
    As a master in architecture, she was sought after for her expertise in sustainable design.
  9. asyl nusga
    The studio requested the master tape to produce more copies of the album.
  10. baştutan enjam
    The master server manages all the data transactions in the network.
  11. (Bu manysy Türkmençede bir söz bilen berilmeýär, sebäbi "master" sözüniň bu manysy iňlis dilinde-de köplenç tehniki terminologiýa ýa-da deňizçilik termini hökmünde ulanylýar we kontekste görä terjime edilýär.)
    The old painting depicted a three-master sailing across the ocean.

sypat söz “master”

master, non-gradable
  1. ussat (sypat)
    Her master stroke in the final set won her the tennis championship.
  2. esasy
    The master bedroom in the house was twice the size of the other bedrooms.
  3. ilkinji
    The publisher kept the master edition of the novel in a secure vault.

fiil “master”

master; he masters; past mastered, part. mastered; ger. mastering
  1. ussatlaşmak
    He spent countless hours practicing chess to master the game.
  2. kontrol etmek
    The young horse was difficult to train, but the trainer was determined to master it.
  3. ýazgy etmek
    The sound engineer worked late into the night to master the live concert recording.
  4. magistr derejesini tamamlamak
    After completing her undergraduate studies, she decided to master in educational leadership.