dual (EN)
sypat söz, at sözi

sypat söz “dual”

dual, non-gradable
  1. ikiň biri ýaly
    The smartphone features a dual-camera system for better photo quality.
  2. iki zady aňladýan (grammatikada iki sany zady aňladýan görnüş üçin ulanylýar)
    In Ancient Greek, nouns had a dual form to specifically denote two items, like two eyes or two hands.
  3. öwrülip bilinýän iki häsiýeti ýa-da konsepsiýany görkezýän (matematikada we fizikada iki häsiýetiň ýa-da konsepsiýanyň biri-birine öwrülip bilinýändigini görkezýän)
    In quantum mechanics, particles have a dual nature, behaving both as particles and waves.
  4. başga bir giňişlikden ähli liniýa funksiýalaryny öz içine alýan giňişlik bilen baglanyşykly (liniýa algebrasynda)
    In linear algebra, the concept of duality is illustrated by how every vector space has a corresponding dual space consisting of all its linear functionals.

at sözi “dual”

sg. dual, pl. duals or uncountable
  1. başga bir şekiliň uçlarynyň sany bilen deň sanly ýüzleri bolan şekil (geometriýada)
    In geometry, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron are duals, with the number of faces and vertices swapped between them.
  2. başga bir wektor bilen şol wektoryň önümini hasaplamaklygy öz içine alýan funksiýa (matematikada)
    In our project, we explored how each vector in our dataset has a corresponding dual in the dual space, which we used to calculate inner products efficiently.