direct (EN)
sypat söz, ravesh söz, fiil

sypat söz “direct”

  1. göni
    The elevator provides direct access to the rooftop garden.
  2. göni (başga adamlar ýa-da zatlar gatnaşmazdan)
    He's in direct contact with the CEO.
  3. göni (ýylylyk ýa-da ýagtylyk päsgelçiliksiz)
    The cat lay in direct sunlight to rest.
  4. açyk-aýdyň
    She gave a direct answer to his question, without any hesitation.
  5. göni (bir zady anyk subut edýän)
    The detective found direct proof that linked the suspect to the crime scene.
  6. takyk
    Her actions were the direct opposite of her kind words.
  7. göni (ene-ata we çaga arasyndaky gatnaşyk)
    She is a direct descendant of the famous inventor.
  8. göni (derrew ýa-da aýdyň)
    There is not direct danger right now, but problems may appear in the future.
  9. göni (matematika ýa-da logikada, gapma-garşylyk bilen däl)
    The mathematician provided a direct proof by showing the solution step-by-step.

ravesh söz “direct”

  1. göni
    We flew direct from New York to London without any layovers.
  2. göni (başga adamlar ýa-da zatlar gatnaşmazdan)
    She spoke to the manager direct.

fiil “direct”

direct; he directs; past directed, part. directed; ger. directing
  1. ýolbaşçylyk etmek
    He directed the company for the last 10 years.
  2. gönükdirmek
    She directed the flashlight at the dark corner of the room.
  3. ýol görkezmek
    She directed the tourists to the nearest bus stop.
  4. buýruk bermek
    The teacher directed the students to finish their homework by Friday.
  5. režissýorlyk etmek
    He directed the school play with great enthusiasm.
  6. ibermek
    Please direct all mail to our new office address.