drop (EN)
ном маъноӣ، феъл

ном маъноӣ “drop”

sg. drop, pl. drops or uncountable
  1. қатра
    A single drop of water hung precariously at the tip of the leaf before falling.
  2. миқдори хеле кам
    He added a drop of honey to his tea to sweeten it just a bit.
  3. дозаи дору дар як қатра
    The doctor instructed her to take two drops of the medicine under her tongue three times a day.
  4. доруи қатрагӣ
    The doctor prescribed nasal drops to help with my congestion.
  5. конфети гирд (ё конфети сахт)
    She unwrapped a peppermint drop and popped it into her mouth to freshen her breath.
  6. нагирифтани тӯб (дар футболи амрикоӣ)
    The quarterback was frustrated after seeing the third drop by his receiver in the game.
  7. ҷоиза (аз душманони мағлубшуда дар бозиҳои видеоӣ)
    After defeating the boss, I eagerly picked up the legendary sword drop.
  8. афтидан
    The drop of the apple from the tree was quick and silent.
  9. фосилаи амудӣ
    Peering over the edge, she realized the drop was much deeper than she had anticipated, easily over 30 feet to the bottom.
  10. коҳиш
    After the new model was released, there was a significant drop in sales of the old version.
  11. партофтан (аз ҳавопаймо)
    The military planned a drop of food and medical supplies to the isolated village tomorrow.
  12. қисми муҳими суруд (бо тағйири бас, суръат ё оҳанг)
    Everyone at the concert cheered when the DJ hit the drop, and the bass shook the entire venue.

феъл “drop”

drop; he drops; past dropped, part. dropped; ger. dropping
  1. афтодан
    The ball dropped from her hands and rolled away.
  2. кам шудан
    After the announcement, temperatures dropped significantly overnight.
  3. раҳо кардан
    She accidentally dropped her keys into the lake.
  4. вафот кардан (ба таври ногаҳонӣ)
    During the epidemic, people were dropping like flies in the village.
  5. хотима ёфтан
    After weeks of silence, they continued their email exchange exactly where it had previously dropped.
  6. ақиб мондан
    During the hike, Sarah dropped behind because she stopped to tie her shoelace.
  7. бидуни тараддуд боздид кардан
    Feel free to drop in anytime; I'm always happy to see you.
  8. гузоштан
    I'll drop the kids off at school before heading to the office.
  9. дастрас шудан (барои умум)
    The new video game dropped last Friday and has been popular ever since.
  10. пешкаш кардан (ба умум)
    Netflix dropped the new season of "Stranger Adventures" last Friday.
  11. беэҳтиёт зикр кардан
    During dinner, Sarah casually dropped the news that she was moving to Paris next month.
  12. фиристодани паём
    He dropped me an email yesterday to confirm the meeting details.
  13. кӯк кардани созро ба оҳанги паст
    Before playing the song, he dropped his guitar's E string to D to match the tuning required.
  14. қатъ кардани баҳс ё муносибат
    After their heated argument, she told him to drop the topic and never bring it up again.
  15. вазни кам кардан
    She managed to drop five pounds before her wedding.
  16. хориҷ кардан
    After failing the midterm, she was dropped from the honors class.
  17. аз курси таълимӣ канорагирӣ кардан
    She decided to drop the pottery class to focus more on her studies.
  18. қатъ шудани занг ё пайвастшавӣ
    During the video conference, my internet connection dropped, and I missed an important part of the discussion.
  19. тарки кардани ҳарф, садо ё ҳиҷо дар сухан
    In casual speech, many people drop the 'g' in words ending with '-ing', saying "runnin'" instead of "running".