ot “drop”
yakka drop, koʻplik drops yoki sanalmaydigan
- tomchi
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
A single drop of water hung precariously at the tip of the leaf before falling.
- juda oz miqdor
He added a drop of honey to his tea to sweeten it just a bit.
- dori dozasi
The doctor instructed her to take two drops of the medicine under her tongue three times a day.
- tomchilatib beriladigan dori
The doctor prescribed nasal drops to help with my congestion.
- shirin konfet (shakarlamadan tayyorlangan)
She unwrapped a peppermint drop and popped it into her mouth to freshen her breath.
- ushlanmagan top (Amerika futboli kontekstida)
The quarterback was frustrated after seeing the third drop by his receiver in the game.
- yengilgan dushmanlardan tushadigan buyum (video oʻyinlarida)
After defeating the boss, I eagerly picked up the legendary sword drop.
- pastga tushish harakati
The drop of the apple from the tree was quick and silent.
- baland joydan tushish mumkin boʻlgan vertikal masofa
Peering over the edge, she realized the drop was much deeper than she had anticipated, easily over 30 feet to the bottom.
- miqdor, sifat yoki kuchayishning kamayishi
After the new model was released, there was a significant drop in sales of the old version.
- odamlar yoki buyumlar tashlash (ayniqsa, samolyotdan)
The military planned a drop of food and medical supplies to the isolated village tomorrow.
- qoʻshiqdagi muhim oʻzgarish (bass, tempo yoki ohangdagi)
Everyone at the concert cheered when the DJ hit the drop, and the bass shook the entire venue.
feʼl “drop”
infinitive drop; u drops; oʻtgan zamon dropped; oʻtgan zamon part. dropped; ger. dropping
- yer sari tez yoki birdaniga harakatlanish
The ball dropped from her hands and rolled away.
- miqdor, daraja yoki qiymatning kamayishi
After the announcement, temperatures dropped significantly overnight.
- narsani ushlab turishni yoki tutib turishni yoʻqotish orqali tushirish
She accidentally dropped her keys into the lake.
- birdaniga vafot etish
During the epidemic, people were dropping like flies in the village.
- tugatish yoki toʻxtatish
After weeks of silence, they continued their email exchange exactly where it had previously dropped.
- guruhdan orqada qolib ketish
During the hike, Sarah dropped behind because she stopped to tie her shoelace.
- oldindan kelishilmagan holda kimnidir ziyorat qilish
Feel free to drop in anytime; I'm always happy to see you.
- kimnidir yoki nimanidir ma'lum bir joyda qoldirish
I'll drop the kids off at school before heading to the office.
- ommaga taqdim etilish (media yoki dasturiy ta'minot uchun)
The new video game dropped last Friday and has been popular ever since.
- media yoki dasturiy ta'minotni ommaga taqdim etish
Netflix dropped the new season of "Stranger Adventures" last Friday.
- suhbatda tasodifan tilga olish
During dinner, Sarah casually dropped the news that she was moving to Paris next month.
- xabar yuborish
He dropped me an email yesterday to confirm the meeting details.
- musiqa asbobini past ohangga sozlash
Before playing the song, he dropped his guitar's E string to D to match the tuning required.
- mavzuni yoki shaxsni muhokama qilishni toʻxtatish
After their heated argument, she told him to drop the topic and never bring it up again.
- vazn yoʻqotish
She managed to drop five pounds before her wedding.
- guruh yoki roʻyxatdan chiqarish
After failing the midterm, she was dropped from the honors class.
- rejalashtirilgan kursdan chiqib ketish
She decided to drop the pottery class to focus more on her studies.
- telefon qoʻngʻirogʻi yoki internet aloqasi noqulay tarzda uzilishi
During the video conference, my internet connection dropped, and I missed an important part of the discussion.
- nutqda boʻgʻin, harf yoki tovushni tashlab yuborish
In casual speech, many people drop the 'g' in words ending with '-ing', saying "runnin'" instead of "running".