this (EN)
kiwakilishi, kiwakilishi, kihisi, kitenzi kisicho na kauli

kiwakilishi “this”

  1. hii
    This book on the table is my favorite novel.
  2. hii (ya sasa au inayokuja mara moja)
    I have a dentist appointment this afternoon.

kiwakilishi “this”

  1. hii, huyu, hiki, hizi, hawa, haya
    This is my grandmother.

kihisi “this”

  1. hivi (kwa kiwango kinachooneshwa)
    Hold the rope this tightly to ensure it doesn't slip.

kitenzi kisicho na kauli “this”

  1. inaonyesha kukubaliana kwa nguvu na yale yaliyosemwa au kuandikwa hivi punde
    ― We should recycle more to save the planet. ― This!