this (EN)
određivač, zamjenica, prilog, uzvik

određivač “this”

  1. ovaj (for masculine nouns), ova (for feminine nouns), ovo (for neuter nouns)
    This book on the table is my favorite novel.
  2. ovo (sadašnje ili neposredno predstojeće)
    I have a dentist appointment this afternoon.

zamjenica “this”

  1. ovaj, ova, ovo
    This is my grandmother.

prilog “this”

  1. ovako
    Hold the rope this tightly to ensure it doesn't slip.

uzvik “this”

  1. izražava snažno odobravanje onoga što je upravo rečeno ili napisano
    ― We should recycle more to save the planet. ― This!