kitenzi “spoil”
kitenzi spoil; yeye spoils; wakati uliopita spoiled, spoilt uk; kitendo kilichopita spoiled, spoilt uk; kitendo cha sasa spoiling
- haribu (kupunguza au kuondoa furaha au mvuto wa kitu)
Jisajili ili kuona tafsiri za sentensi za mfano na ufafanuzi wa kila neno kwa lugha moja.
The rain spoiled our picnic by making everything wet and muddy.
- haribu (kuharibu kitu, kufanya kisitumiwe)
She accidentally spilled juice on the painting, which spoiled it completely.
- kulea kupita kiasi
The grandparents spoiled the child by giving him everything he wanted.
- kumtunza vizuri
She spoiled herself with a relaxing spa day.
- kuoza
If you leave the bread out too long, it will spoil and become moldy.
- kuharibu kura (kwa makusudi)
She decided to spoil her ballot by drawing a big X across the entire paper.
- kuharibu mshangao kwa kumwambia mtu tukio muhimu katika hadithi
She spoiled the movie by telling everyone the twist ending.