nomino “key”
umoja key, wingi keys au isiyohesabika
- ufunguo
Jisajili ili kuona tafsiri za sentensi za mfano na ufafanuzi wa kila neno kwa lugha moja.
She lost her key and couldn't unlock her front door.
- kitu muhimu
The key to a successful garden is regular watering.
- mwongozo (unaofafanua alama au istilahi kwenye ramani au chati)
According to the map's key, the blue lines represent rivers and the green areas are forests.
- majibu (mwongozo wa majibu sahihi ya karatasi ya maswali au mtihani)
After finishing the quiz, the teacher handed out keys so everyone could check their answers.
- kitufe (kwenye mashine ya kuandika au kibodi ya kompyuta)
To type a question mark, press the key next to the shift button.
- kipini (cha valvu kwenye chombo cha muziki kinachopulizwa)
When she pressed the keys on her flute, a beautiful melody filled the room.
- kipuli (kwenye kinanda kinachobonyezwa kutoa sauti au noti)
She pressed the keys on the piano gently, creating a soft melody.
- skeli (au kundi la noti linalounda msingi wa utungaji wa muziki)
The song was composed in the key of C major, making it easy for beginners to play.
- noti ya chini kabisa (katika skeli ya muziki)
In the scale of C major, the key is C because it sets the tone for the entire piece.
- taarifa (inayotumika kusimbua au kufumbua ujumbe katika kriptografia)
To access the encrypted files, you'll need the correct digital key.
- shamba (katika hifadhidata ya uhusiano linalotumika kama faharisi kuingia kwenye jedwali lingine)
The customer ID serves as a key to link orders with the people who placed them.
- thamani (inayotambulisha kipekee kuingia kwenye kamusi katika programu)
To access your account information, you need to enter the correct security key.
- rangi iliyochaguliwa (kufanywa kuwa wazi katika grafiki za kompyuta au televisheni)
In the video editing software, they used a green screen as the key to create the illusion that the actors were flying.
sifa “key”
msingi key, isiyopimika
- muhimu sana
Regular exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
kitenzi “key”
kitenzi key; yeye keys; wakati uliopita keyed; kitendo kilichopita keyed; kitendo cha sasa keying
- kuandika (kwa kutumia kibodi au kipadi)
She keyed her password into the computer to unlock it.
- kuharibu (kwa kukwaruza kwa kitu chenye ncha kali)
Angry at his neighbor, Tom keyed a long scratch down the side of his shiny new sedan.
- kuashiria (kwa alama kuonyesha uanachama katika darasa)
In the survey results, she keyed the most frequent responses with a star (*) to easily identify patterns.
- kubadilisha (tangazo ili kulenga kikundi maalum au demografia)
The marketing team keyed their online campaign towards teenagers by incorporating the latest slang and trends.