Kjo fjalë mund të jetë gjithashtu një formë e:
emër “going”
njëjës going, shumës goings ose të panumërueshme
- largimi
Regjistrohuni për të parë përkthimet e fjalive shembull dhe përkufizimet njëgjuhëshe të çdo fjale.
Every morning, the hustle of the station was marked by the goings of numerous commuters.
- gjendja e terrenit
After the rain, the going in the park was muddy and treacherous.
- progresi
The hikers found the going tough as they ascended the steep mountain trail.
- situata
With the new regulations in place, the going for small businesses became even harder.
- sjellja
She was known for her kind goings and was loved by everyone in the neighborhood.
- hapësira e shkallës
The architect specified that the going of the staircase should be wide enough to ensure comfort and safety.
mbiemër “going”
forma bazë going, jo-shkallëzueshme
- i/e vazhdueshëm
It didn't seem like a going concern for the business.
- aktual
The going price for a cup of coffee in the city is now $3.
- më i miri (në kontekstin e opsioneve të disponueshme)
Out of all the second-hand cars on sale, that one is the best deal going.