going (EN)
kata benda, sifat

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
go (cêkapan)

kata benda “going”

sg. going, pl. goings or uncountable
  1. pamit
    Every morning, the hustle of the station was marked by the goings of numerous commuters.
  2. kaanan lemah
    After the rain, the going in the park was muddy and treacherous.
  3. majuning
    The hikers found the going tough as they ascended the steep mountain trail.
  4. kaanan umum
    With the new regulations in place, the going for small businesses became even harder.
  5. tingkah polah
    She was known for her kind goings and was loved by everyone in the neighborhood.
  6. jangkah undhak-undhakan
    The architect specified that the going of the staircase should be wide enough to ensure comfort and safety.

sifat “going”

going, non-gradable
  1. mboten wonten tembung ingkang pas wonten basa Jawa kangge nerjemahaken "going" ingkang gadhah arti "likely to continue" minangka ing basa Czech "přetrvávající". Tembung ingkang cedhak inggih punika "teras-terusan" utawi "terusan".
    It didn't seem like a going concern for the business.
  2. lumrah
    The going price for a cup of coffee in the city is now $3.
  3. paling apik
    Out of all the second-hand cars on sale, that one is the best deal going.