samostalnik “picture”
ednina picture, množina pictures ali neštevno
- slika (umetniško delo)
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
She hung the beautiful picture of a sunset over the ocean on her living room wall.
- fotografija
She showed me a picture of her new puppy.
- podoba (v spominu ali domišljiji)
Every time I smell fresh bread, I get a clear picture in my mind of baking with my grandmother in her kitchen.
- film (zastarelo)
Gone with the Wind is an iconic picture that has captivated audiences for decades.
- vzor (popoln primer nečesa)
His meticulously organized desk was the picture of efficiency.
- opis (ki prikliče mentalno sliko)
His vivid storytelling provided a clear picture of life in the small village.
- stanje (trenutno stanje ali situacija)
The economic picture for small businesses looks promising this year.
glagol “picture”
nedoločnik picture; on pictures; preteklik pictured; deležnik preteklik pictured; gerundij picturing
- si predstavljati
Before going to bed, she always pictured herself winning the championship.
- opisovati (na način, ki ustvari živo sliko)
The novel pictures a dystopian future with remarkable detail.
- prikazati
The book pictures the hero standing triumphantly on the mountain peak.