podstatné meno “desolation”
singulár desolation, nepočítateľné
- hlboká smútok a osamelosť
Zaregistrujte sa, aby ste videli preklady príkladových viet a jednojazyčné definície každého slova.
After the divorce, he wandered his empty home, overwhelmed by a profound desolation.
- spustošenie (stav, kedy je miesto zničené alebo zdevastované)
After the wildfire, the forest was a scene of desolation, with charred trees and ash-covered ground as far as the eye could see.
- spustošenie (proces ničenia alebo devastácie miesta, často vedúci k jeho opusteniu)
The desolation of the ancient city was complete, its buildings reduced to rubble and its people long since fled.
- pustatina (oblasť, ktorá bola zničená a opustená)
The abandoned village had become a desolation, with empty houses and overgrown streets where no one dared to live.